Saturday, 25 January 2014

Injury Layoff

There is nothing more frustrating in your running than a forced layoff because of injury. I am getting more mature by the day - 60+ yrs old now, but I still want to run. I was doing well in the latter half of last year and was looking forward to completing my first 5k park run at my local town. These park run events have become really popular and a typical Saturday morning race will see 200 or more taking part. However, as I approached the time for my debut, I found that I felt really tired after each training run and every effort was really difficult. This caused me to evaluate where I was at and I decided to take a break for a while to allow my body to get back to normal. It is now over three months since I ran and I find that I am getting increasingly frustrated in my layoff, not being able to get out and run. In my case it is something that is not a direct injury and many find that they have to stop because of various things like pulled muscles, shin splints, achillies problems etc.
Whatever has caused your injury and subsequent layoff,  you have to try and remain focused and remember that in 9 times out of 10 people will recover and get back to running in a relatively short time. To keep positive and focused will help a great deal and help you to recover and get back to running as soon as possible.

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