Wednesday, 13 February 2013

5k Training

Get with the 5k Training Programme
It is relatively easy to get up and get out and start to run. However, if you have not ran any distance before there are certain things that you would be better to take note of. To just get out and run without any structured plan is a fair recipe for disaster. It is far better to follow a plan that is offered by people who have experience of running. This will enable you to reach your goal of becoming fitter through running much quicker and will give you a proper base of fitness that you can then build on.
The programme suggested in this book is set out to enable you to start to run and move towards running a 5k race. It is laid out in such a way so that you run on average three times a week and over the course of eight weeks you build up your ability to cover the 5k distance comfortably. For most people this will mean that you will build up to be able to run continuously for thirty minutes.
Note: The book referred to is my 'Running a 5k' which is displayed on the right hand side of this page.

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