Monday, 10 September 2012

Inspired by others

There have been a lot of awesome moments both in the Olympic and Paralympic games that have just finished in London. Many will have achieved their lifetime dreams of winning a medal at the games. This is great and it certainly inspires anyone who is involved in athletics or any other sport to never give up but keep on trying. Those that win the medals and break world records will get the limelight and rightly so, but spare a thought for the countless others who have worked just as hard, trained just as much, but have not won anything. So near yet so far, sometimes only a second or fingertip - as in the swimming events, will mean a lot of frustration and tears. Being involved in any sporting activity is a great way to ensure that the body is being exercised and it is a really good thing to be involved in.
Back to the local scene, I was out for a 3 mile run yesterday. I chose a route that I know well and it provides good undulating terrain with one long hill in the middle. Although my time was not great I enjoyed the run. On the run I was trying to see how the breathing pattern was going. When I started I was breathing quite hard but as I progressed it settled down and maintained a regular pattern over the rest of the run. This might seem an odd thing to do, but I enjoy looking at all the different aspects of running and this was just something that I thought about as I was running along. A day of rest today and then I will see if I can complete another HIIT session on Wednesday.

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